Chances are, if you own or operate a business, you’ll either need to converse in English
or make sure that someone in your business is able to do so. Regardless
of whether you need to generate sales flyers or negotiate complex
contracts, being able to understand business transactions in English is
crucial. Unfortunately, the best time to practice these skills isn’t
when you’re about to start a conversation in English for the first time!
Fortunately, there are a number of ways that you can hone your skills –
even if you aren’t able to engage in active conversations.
Experiment and Share Materials That You Create
If you need to get better at generating sales flyers in English, you
can start by designing them and write them in your native language.
Once you have your ideas sorted out and organized, go ahead and
translate the text into English. Next, find an English speaking person
who can give you an assessment of your results. By repeating this
process, you’ll start to get a better understanding of the syntax and
flow of natural-sounding English.
Attend Town and City Meetings
If you live in a primarily English-speaking country, chances are you
can attend town or city meetings. While these events are typically
designed to discuss local governmental issues, you’ll find that money
and contract negotiations are also often brought up for discussion. As a
result, you’ll get some ideas about the words and vocabulary you might
encounter in a business meeting. Don’t worry if you lose track of the
discussion; you’ll still be able to study body language, and help put
those cues together with the tone of the words being spoken.
Watch Business Videos
There are many types of videos that can help you learn business
English. Aside from videos that are dedicated to helping you learn
English, you might be able to find specific videos that are designed to
train salesmen and distributors. Although many of these videos focus on
teaching you how to work with a specific company, they’ll provide you
with a valuable opportunity to practice your comprehension of sales and
business type conversations.
Join Internet Business Groups
Chances are there’s some part of operating a business that interests
you more than others, whether it’s marketing, accounting, direct sales
or some other area. Search on the internet to find news groups or
forums that are dedicated to your specific area of interest. Find and
join one of these groups that use the English language. You’ll have an
excellent opportunity to study the words and phrases that are used in a
business setting, as well as converse about your own experiences.
As with any other area of learning, you’ll need to practice and
dedicate yourself to learning the nuances of business English.
Depending on your interests and objectives, you can choose methods that
allow you to actively participate in conversations, or you may simply
decide to choose meetings and tapes that offer you an opportunity to
observe and practice your listening skills. You’ll soon be on your way
to speaking fluent business English with confidence.
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