There are some popular English language word games that can be really
useful for a student to practice the vocabulary words they have already
studied and also learn new words. Some of these word games are
available in free publications and are also included in many newspapers
and magazines. There are also a lot of word games available in digital
formats, such as on Internet web pages and in the form of software
applications. It is recommended for a student to only choose word games
that contain vocabulary words appropriate for their range of English
study, as it is not as much fun if the game is too challenging.
Word Search
Word search is a classic English language word finding game. It is
basically a grid of evenly spaced letters that may first appear to be a
random mix of meaningless letters and no words. When looking closer and
searching carefully through the grid of letters, the goal is to find
words that are hidden in the grid of letters. The words may be readable
from left to right, from top to bottom, or even diagonally. Some word
search grids may even include words that are spelled backwards! The word
search game can be a fun way to practice remembering English vocabulary
words you have already learned and also possibly even learn new
vocabulary words as you go. A student completes a word search by
circling all of the words the student finds. One tip is to look for
a vowel next to a consonant, since most English words contain both a vowel and a consonant.
a vowel next to a consonant, since most English words contain both a vowel and a consonant.
Crossword Puzzles
A crossword puzzle is a grid of black and numbered white squares in
which letters can be written. Included with the grid is a series of
hints about a word that is supposed to fit into the numbered white boxes
of the puzzle. A student writes one letter of a word into each white
box. The student first reads the numbered hint and then guesses what
word the hint is referring to. The challenge is that the word has to be a
certain number of letters. For instance, let’s say the hint is: “A
number that comes after two and before 5.” If there are only 4 white
squares for the word, then the answer is “four”. This is because “three”
would not fit in the amount of spaces. One nice thing about crossword
puzzles is that the words connect to each other like in a word find.
After a student has answered some of the words, then the student will
have some letters of other words that have already been filled into the
white boxes. Crossword puzzles are a good way for relatively advanced
English language students to practice the vocabulary words they already
know and also possibly learn new vocabulary words while completing a
crossword puzzle. It is also a great way to practice English
comprehension while a student is studying the hint.
These two popular games can be a fun way to increase a student’s
English language vocabulary. Even native English speakers seem to enjoy
them year after year.
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